LanguaBooks™ UA users support

LanguaBooks™ UA users support

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LanguaBooks™ UA Facebook page

LanguaBooks™ UA Facebook page
Sign up on our Facebook page to stay in the loop on all of our latest news and events.

Facebook LanguaBooks™ UA Partners group

LanguaBooks UA Partners group is created for exchange of information between LanguaBooks UA partners and sharing best practices of LanguaBooks use in schools and English courses.

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LanguaBooks™ UA You Tube channel

All video instructions, conference and presentations video reports, LanguaMetrics, Inc. and our partners' projects promotional materials are published on the LanguaBooks™ UA YouTube Channel. Video clips are organized in playlists according to their purpose.
Subscribe to the LanguaBooks™ UA YouTube Channel and be the first to get access to new video materials on our project.

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